Re: [NetEpic ML] Another battle fought

From: quester <quester666_at_...>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 14:18:44 -0800 (PST)


Yes when you play with low or no objectives you have to change you mind set from a manruver type battle and taking points on a map into a killing and body count type battle,No more fighting over "hamburger Hill" and into getting the most blood for your points. This totaly changes the game and feel of any battle. you realy want to get your powerful and small stuff to wipe-out his weeker units first and move up building a fast body count

A good line for this is Type of battle "kill them,Kill Them a lot" lol

We have just finished off another battle, now Slann vs Space Marines. I played the marines and, off course, lost bigtime. This time it was due to my own failures and bad dierolling. (I absolutly dont know how to roll a die!) Anyway, the Slann army seems to be alright now!
I never thought I would say this, but those of you that wants to start collecting a new army, go out and buy it! Unless some new and cheesy units are being introduced, I think the army now is perfectly balanced.
We tried the necron titan to 550 points, this new cost worked out just fine.
We also tried Peters, Hellreichs & Darius' rules with only three objective points and really liked it! Its quite another experience to fight the oponets army rather than the objective points! I really recomend it, but one word of advice: We played 3000 points, and at this level, leave your drop pods at home! The pods are great to tie up enemy troops so you can mop up OPs, but when there are only three, its not really all that important. Thats what made me loose tonight!

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Received on Thu Mar 08 2001 - 22:18:44 UTC

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