Regarding, the Necron titan, we played it at 800, you at 550, why not
comprimaise and leave it at 650? I think 550 is too check, that the
points for a decent reaver.
How about it?
Oh could someone get me the beta rules with the corrections made?
Eivind Borgeteien wrote:
> Hi!
> We have just finished off another battle, now Slann vs Space Marines.
> I played the marines and, off course, lost bigtime. This time it was
> due to my own failures and bad dierolling. (I absolutly dont know how
> to roll a die!) Anyway, the Slann army seems to be alright now!
> I never thought I would say this, but those of you that wants to start
> collecting a new army, go out and buy it! Unless some new and cheesy
> units are being introduced, I think the army now is perfectly balanced.
> We tried the necron titan to 550 points, this new cost worked out just
> fine.
> We also tried Peters, Hellreichs & Darius' rules with only three
> objective points and really liked it! Its quite another experience to
> fight the oponets army rather than the objective points! I really
> recomend it, but one word of advice: We played 3000 points, and at
> this level, leave your drop pods at home! The pods are great to tie up
> enemy troops so you can mop up OPs, but when there are only three, its
> not really all that important. Thats what made me loose tonight!
> Eivind
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Received on Thu Mar 08 2001 - 23:50:42 UTC