actually hit on all 6 of the 4+ shots
against the SM detachment which Eivind had advanced
out into the open, foolishly in the path of
one large hunk of metal :) The Necron Assaults mopped
up the rest in the following round..
I must say, i did indeed enjoy winning and mostly
on the fact that i won, and not the Slann :)
Im looking forward to playing more games in the
future, and testing out some new units we feel
we can introduce now. Im currently making
the Slann Frontguards (which will be a CC support card)
, and Nils is working on Necron Immortals
(which will be almost as good as terminators). I have also made a
Necron special card, called the Necron Numbercruncher,
which is basically a unit which can boost other
units by either giving them either +1 tohit or changing
their order along an axis. It has the same
stats as a Necron Lord with an upgraded CPU,
allowing it to do mathematical and statistical
analysis. Don't know if we will be introducing these
units to netepic, and most certainly not until
we've playtested them thoroughly. We'll "bicker"
among ourselves for a while, and come out with
a finished product. That way the list wont
be swarmed with posts from our group, arguing
about this or that CAF increase/decrease and
whatnot :)
If anybody knows of, or has any units which might
pass for some sort of Necron bikes, id be
very happy for the information :)
Im picturing them as Arnold riding his Harley
in Terminator :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen@...]
> Sent: 9. mars 2001 09:32
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Another battle fought
> We have made som modifications....
> First we have added a conversion field to the armour, then
> the titan gets a
> repair roll of 4+ before any damage is rolled. A damaged location is
> repaired at 3+. This is infact three layers of defence.
> However, even a
> single shot from a devestator can kill this titan at any
> time!!!! And you
> have to move this titan forward in order to maximise it's
> firepower, which
> makes it quite vunerable. If your opponent takes along a longranged
> titankilling weapon like a Volcano cannon, you might loos the
> Titan without
> even fiering a single shot!!!! Based on this I think 550 is a
> fair price!!!
> Other than that, the Slann now seems to be a balanced
> playable force! I saw
> Eivind claimed to loos bigtime, which he IMHO didn't. He ha
> very poor luck
> with the dice in Close Combat, but had he not lost all his
> reserve infantry
> to a insane volly (How many hits Rune?) from the necron titan
> in the first
> turn, he could have held a VP, then the game would have
> lasted another turn,
> and Rune was running out of troops with which to take out
> Eivinds Titan!!!!
> And Runes companies where pretty darn close to breaking!!!!
> The game was fun to watch!!! I guess the best part is seeing
> Rune really
> having to fight for his victories, and finding that a hard
> fought victory is
> far sweeter than any prior Slann walkovers!!!! :)
> Nils
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
> Sent: 9. mars 2001 00:51
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Another battle fought
> Hi!
> Regarding, the Necron titan, we played it at 800, you at 550, why not
> comprimaise and leave it at 650? I think 550 is too check, that the
> points for a decent reaver.
> How about it?
> Oh could someone get me the beta rules with the corrections made?
> Peter
> Eivind Borgeteien wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > We have just finished off another battle, now Slann vs
> Space Marines.
> > I played the marines and, off course, lost bigtime. This
> time it was
> > due to my own failures and bad dierolling. (I absolutly
> dont know how
> > to roll a die!) Anyway, the Slann army seems to be alright now!
> >
> >
> >
> > I never thought I would say this, but those of you that
> wants to start
> > collecting a new army, go out and buy it! Unless some new
> and cheesy
> > units are being introduced, I think the army now is
> perfectly balanced.
> >
> >
> >
> > We tried the necron titan to 550 points, this new cost
> worked out just
> > fine.
> >
> >
> >
> > We also tried Peters, Hellreichs & Darius' rules with only three
> > objective points and really liked it! Its quite another
> experience to
> > fight the oponets army rather than the objective points! I really
> > recomend it, but one word of advice: We played 3000 points, and at
> > this level, leave your drop pods at home! The pods are
> great to tie up
> > enemy troops so you can mop up OPs, but when there are only
> three, its
> > not really all that important. Thats what made me loose tonight!
> >
> >
> >
> > Eivind
> >
> >
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