This really hurts to say, as I'm a chaos player, but I believe you're right
Eivind... Special units like that weren't intended to have a morale value.
If we want to use the notion of morale saves for new units (e.g. Necrons),
we should give them a morale score of 1, meaning that they won't fall back,
but can be affected by some powers...
-----Original Message-----
From: Eivind Borgeteien [mailto:eivind.borgeteien_at_...]
Sent: 15. mars 2001 13:05
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
I do agree!
This should have gone through a poll. I thought every change of the core
rules where to go throug a poll?
I have a creeping suspicion that our moderator here has been mislead by
the sweet whispering of chaos.
Hmmm... where did a put that mail-adress to the Inquisission....? :-))
But seriously, I think this was a wrong descission. Take a look at the
Dark Angels and their Deathwing. Fluffwise, they specialise in hunting down
chaos after their fellow chapter members betrayed them some thousand years
ago. The Deathwing are the veterans of the chapter, having fought and
survived countless encounters with chaos. This, combined with the burning
hatred for chaos (in fact all members of the Deathwing holds the social
position of chaplains within their chapter, although they dont have the
chaplains special powers) makes the Deatwind imune to any feartests. Thus GW
gave them no morale score.
They are supposed to be somewhat better than the usual terminators, but
when you introduced this new core rule, they are just the same. The only
difference being that they dont fall back when broken, but the ordinary
termies have a morale score of one, which you cant fail on a breaktest!
You see? There is no difference between the Deathwing and the other
termies! It is supposed to be a difference, thats why GW gave the Deathwing
(and other units) no morale value, and thats why our group has decided not
to adopt this rule.
----- Original Message -----
From: nils.saugen_at_...
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 7:33 AM
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
Hi Peter,
Yes I know this is how you think it should work, and if thats the way
NetEpic wants to go that is just fine with me!
However, I think that is an misinterpetation of the intention behind the
rules, so I disagree with your solution!
We hav just decided to go the other way around in our group! Defencive
powers takes precedence, thus a confessor, inquisitor, mork head (or was it
gork) and other powers that makes units immune to moraltests infact, gives
the unit a moralscore of "-" thus making it immune to all types of
moralbased checks. You may call it a house rule, no score no check.
PS: IMHO there should be no doubt on this topic in the first place, the
wording from GW is pretty Clear! So this is IMO a change in the rules and
ought to have been put through a poll!
-----Original Message-----
From: peter ramos [mailto:ramospeter_at_...]
Sent: 13. mars 2001 14:41
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
First I think that wording is confusing. It should read, the Kroxigor
is immune to fear and terror and non-physical psychic attacks. This wording
is direct and to the point.
I'm not sure what you mean Nils, I thought we cleared this up. The
unit protected by a confessor may be immune to morale "checks", but not
morale saves. Any unit with no morale, is immune to morale checks, but still
rolls a morale save with a value of "1" (this was placed in the revised core
rule section). Since most chaos powers still effect on a save roll of one,
even unit with no morale value can still be affected.
I thought the wording was clear on this. Is it?
>From: nils.saugen_at_...
>Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
>Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 14:26:20 +0100
>PAPA has got a brand new bag of GOODIES!!!!!!!
>Once we are back at the chaos morale/power topic. I read through the
>confessor rules again. To me it seems that a detachment joined by a
>confessor loose its moralscore. So for all practical reasons that
>unit has a morale of "-". Meaning it indeed is immune to all types of
>tests, terrortests or whatyoumaycall'em.... I also suspects this
applies to
>the Inquisitors.... Wording in the Space Marines Armies of the
Imperium is:
>"any imperial unit within 25cm of the Inquisitor will automatically
pass any
>moraltest" remember this is from the days before one differed between
>checks for breaking and terrorstest. Any moral test beeing the key
frase, as
>this would indicate the same effect as for the Confessor.
>Further neither the Connfessor nor the Inquisitor has got a moral
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Hellreich [mailto:helreich_at_...]
>Sent: 13. mars 2001 17:06
>Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
>it means that they negate the powers of the Chaos units. Like Pleague
>Marines have nurgle rot, this is then negated. It only works for the
>or specific chaos cards. Auras are things that make you test for
morale when
>within a set cm range, since the Kroxigors are just to dumb, and
>by the warp field from the warp claws they never need to test for any
of the
>Examples are:
>the Primarchs powers are useless against them
>Plague bearers powers are useless
>Chaos specific Marine cards are useless
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Karlsen Rune"
>Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:53 AM
>Subject: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
> > Hi!
> >
> > Just a little question : When it says that kroxigors ignore any
> > demonic auras, exactly what does that mean? They have
> > no weapons, so they can't FF on a charging demon anyways.
> > Does it only mean they are immune to the morale/terror
> > checks?
> >
> > Rune
> >
> >
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