> In the description of the Chaos Reward cards, it states quite clearly that
> each Chaos Reward Card can only be used once. Immediately below that it
> mentions the Legion-specific Rewards. Under that heading it lists that
> these are Chaos Reward Cards that are simply specific to a particular
> Marine Legion. They are still Chaos Reward Cards and subject to all the
> rules for your Standard Chaos Rewards, they are just attached to the
> rather than a Daemon. So they are one-shot cards. Use 'em then lose
> 'em. So the Chaos Marines aren't as nasty as people seem to think they
> are. They have no "aura" power around them. They have a gift they can
> once per battle for a limited time, then its gone. After that they are no
> different to any other Chaos Marine.
Then this needs to be reworded for better understanding. For any GW game I
ever knew the Chaos Marine's always had this power from beging to end of
game. This is what seperates the Choas marine from a regular SM.
I belive you are reading to far into the rules, the rules: CSML
These are special Company cards that may only be purchased if the
corresponding Primarch is also pruchased. Each Leigion entitles the Chaos
player to a Chaos reward that is sepcific and can only be used by That
particular legion.
The rewards are as follows:
World Eaters - Blood Rage
Thousand Sons - Magic of Tzeentch
Death Guard - Nurgle's Rot
Emperors children - Lure of Slaanesh
The effect of each REWARD (notice it does not say reward card) is described
on the corresponding Chaos card.
These are gifts given to the CM for following that Deamon like PB have cloud
of flies. They are not delt out you take them to set aside so as to refer to
them of what power they have. You can not use specific cards to save your
deamon. Only Reward Cards can be used this way. CM are supposed to have an
arua, a gift givin to them for converting over to the Chaos side. These
sepicfic cards are that gift, it is what makes CM different from regular SM.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelvin Henderson" <kx.henderson_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Emperors children
> At 08:20 PM 15-03-01 -0800, Hellreich wrote:
> >I guess, then there is no sence in calling them sepicific cards , you
> >get that card when you take that Legion and be done with it.
> And that's the way its always been, even since the days of SM2/TL.
> >I always thought that since they were seperate from the REWARD cards they
> >ment more. For no where in the rules does it say speicific cards are one
> >only, it says if you take this legion you have this power hence an arua
> >is always there like could of flies for Plauge bearers. Only the REWARD
> >cards say that they are one use only.
> "Look, just give me some inner peace
> or I'll mop the floor with you."
> -Homer
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Received on Fri Mar 16 2001 - 13:43:14 UTC