Re: [NetEpic ML] Net epic milestones

From: <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 15:37:11 -0000


I think I will prioritize the dark eldar army and the campaign rules,
I think these should be taken care of first, by that time perhaps the
ratmen stuff will be ready.


--- In netepic_at_y..., nils.saugen_at_s... wrote:
> Hellreich has stardet work with the space rats. Eivind is also
doing some
> work on the same list, we call it Space Vermin :) Powerfull
> strange machines and lots of cheap troops....
> 2 different sets of Dark Eldar rules has been developed and is
beeing merged
> to form a new Net Epic Army.
> Campain system would be nice!!!! And yeah, MORE BATTLE REPORTS!!!!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bernasconi Davide [mailto:bernasconi_at_f...]
> Sent: 21. mars 2001 15:21
> To: netepic_at_y...
> Subject: R: [NetEpic ML] Net epic milestones
> >
> > With the version 4.1 completed and army cards shortly on their
> > we reached a major milestone in net epic projects.
> hurra'!!!!!! :-)))))
> > The question remains what else can we do, that remains undone?
> in no particular order
> minor: marines chaplain/medic on bike, chaplain with jump pack,
off table
> artillery available differently for each race (smoke, mines, ecc)
> major: campaign system (I'm waiting for that for years), new races
> ratmen, undead or something completly different like tau/kroot)
> > I need input from the group for ideas to make the game more
> > accessible. What other game aids or ideas would help and be good
to do?
> some kind of roster for your army during a battle (a quick view
instead of
> card)
> Davide
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Received on Wed Mar 21 2001 - 15:37:11 UTC

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