but its damage list is very forgiving (any damage roll 4 or less wont kill it) and its average armor is 19(hull 21) and a avereage las-cannon shot is 18.5 "not 20 sorry" yea you can always get lucky and cap one with a good shot but thats a lucky shot with 3 good dice rolls(location, armor pen., and damage)
just think about that a bit, it all averages out to 6 las-cannon shots to kill a imp. dread and 7 for a eldar one ( I did not include rolls to hit that would add 2 to 3 more shots)
its all in the math
ho-yea 40K 3ed is not a game its a dice rolling contest for 8 year olds LOL
Weasel Fierce <septimus__at_...> wrote:
>Something similiar might going on with the CAF stats.
> > I robot or dreadnought in 40K can stand 5+ las-cannon shoots and keep on
>coming and killing
Definately not....not even in 2nd edition. A lascannon hs an armor
penetration of 3d6+9...average of 20. 5 shots WILL eradicate the thing...
Dreadnoughts were always more vulnerable than tanks especially land raiders.
land raiders are good but look at their damage list and all tanks have a week "link" in their tracks_________________________________________________________________________
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