Re: Gaming Supplements

From: <primarch_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 18:27:30 -0000


I think I speak for all list members that we would be REALLY grateful
for these projects and I'm sure that whatever you need, myself, or any
list member will be able to provide it.


--- In netepic_at_y..., "Daniel Wolf" <MasterDanielWolf_at_g...> wrote:
> Hi Everybody!
> Today i came to the decision, that i want to produce gaming
supplements für
> NetEpic first (before doing the layout; as a little layout
exercise). This
> will include the following items:
> - summary of unit data (already in progress...)
> - cards for special events (e.g. chaos cards, hive mind cards....)
> Any ideas for these cards? I thought of putting chaos signs and
> signs in the background. But as i own no scanner :( can someone make
> for me?
> - templates for titans & praetorians, which can printed on
card-board (i
> will take photos from these models and put the targetting - grid
> them")
> For the last one i will need some photo's of titan' and praetorians
from the
> front, side and back (on a white background). Can anybody take me
> photo's of a warlord titan, so i can first try it and see if this
can be
> easily done?
> Greetings
> Daniel Wolf
Received on Tue Mar 27 2001 - 18:27:30 UTC

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