Okay here we go:
- chaos signs of slaanesh, nurgle, khorne, tzeentch (take what you have...)
- the chaos undivided sign
Take a look at the warhammer 40k codex: chaos (2nd Ed.) there should be all
pics you need.
- for the tyranid pic: isn't there such a pic on the background of the
original hive mind cards from gw?
Take a look at them. Ur you use any other tyranid pic you think it would
look cool on the cards. If you own
warhammer 40k codex: tyranids (2nd Ed.) take a look there.
Save them as jpg's (don't make the compression too great; otherwise i can't
use them.) and send them to : MasterDanielWolf_at_...
Thanks a lot.
Daniel Wolf
----- Original Message -----
From: "quester" <quester666_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Gaming Supplements
> hi dan
> which signs do you want scaned off of what, give me a list and I send them
to you
> Ron
> Daniel Wolf <MasterDanielWolf_at_...> wrote:
> Hi Everybody!
> Today i came to the decision, that i want to produce gaming supplements
> NetEpic first (before doing the layout; as a little layout exercise). This
> will include the following items:
> - summary of unit data (already in progress...)
> - cards for special events (e.g. chaos cards, hive mind cards....)
> Any ideas for these cards? I thought of putting chaos signs and tyranid
> signs in the background. But as i own no scanner :( can someone make scans
> for me?
> - templates for titans & praetorians, which can printed on card-board (i
> will take photos from these models and put the targetting - grid "over
> them")
> For the last one i will need some photo's of titan' and praetorians from
> front, side and back (on a white background). Can anybody take me the
> photo's of a warlord titan, so i can first try it and see if this can be
> easily done?
> Greetings
> Daniel Wolf
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> RuneSmith Studio "we bring the art to war"
> 15 Summit Ave.
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Received on Tue Mar 27 2001 - 18:47:27 UTC