Re: [NetEpic ML] NetEpic cards online

From: quester <quester666_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 06:12:08 -0800 (PST)

 very coool idea

please keep us posted and feel free to ask for any help you might need and I and I am sure the rest of the list will do all we can to help


  fredrik_berggren_at_... wrote:
I'm working on a little webapp that will generate netepic card and
provide online data about all units in NetEpic. any ideas or comments
are welcome. what I'm doing is that I pull all data from the unit
summaries and put them into a big table. I then order the units into
categories wich makes sorting ande searching a bit simpler.
it would be neat to have pictures of the actual unit on the card.
sort of like the old Space Marine cards were built.
if things turn out the way I wan't them to the app will have a sort
of "shopping cart" functionallity that will allow players to build
army onlie and then print out rule summaries, stat sheets and the
needed cards.

should I put some time into this? is it a good idea? please give me
some feedback.



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