RE: Implications of "epic" proportions

From: Deep Tech Underwater Systems <deep_tech_at_...>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 10:43:33 -0700 (PDT)

Hello All
Thought I would join in on this one, I couldn`t agree
more with what I`m reading. After getting a copy of
2nd ed off of Ebay I finally understand what you`re
refering to. After playing in a tournement against
some of GW`s employees they are entirely too concerned
about "living the rules" . I mean talk about a group
of rules lawyers, it just goes to show where their
intelligence is.

I think though they are targeting a very young
audience. That`s the main reason it`s as simple as it
is. It`s one thing to have a more realistic and
complicated gaming system, sure everyone who can read
will understand it. But to take it all in and really
understand HOW to use it something else. For example I
used to be a Army Master Gunner for Armor. You can
explain concepts to young troops on just about
anything, and they`ll nod their head in agreement, but
they`ll miss most of what your saying. Like placement
of vehicles, using terrain, a layered defense. That`s
why Close combat is the basis of virtually every army
in the game. There`s nothing easier than a frontal
assault, and nothing that lacks imagination more. And
that`s the kind of minds you`re dealing with.

They`re very good at reading rules, but nothing else.

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Received on Sat Apr 07 2001 - 17:43:33 UTC

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