Re: Tyranids

From: <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 13:58:12 -0000


Infantry should be the main focus to get that hoard effect. As for
metal figs, one dominatrix, with one or two hive tyrants, some
exocrine, maybe two detachments. One or two carnifex detachment and
one biovore. One or two malefactors as troop transport. One trygon and
maybe one haruspex.

That will give you one of most units and the ability to tailor a 3000
point force to taste.


--- In netepic_at_y..., "Eivind Borgeteien" <eivind.borgeteien_at_c...>
> Hi!
> With the old sprues now available, I'm playing with the thought of
starting a tyranid army. I think I wil start at 3000 points, but need
some advice on what units I should include.
> So I wonder if any with experience on the bugs could give me a
sample composition of a tyranid army of 3000 points?
> (or at least some advice on what units to include....?)
> Thanks!
> Eivind
Received on Wed Apr 18 2001 - 13:58:12 UTC

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