Re: [NetEpic ML] Tyranids

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 07:59:50 +1000

At 12:27 PM 4/19/01 +0000, Peter the Hive Tyrant wrote:
Howdy all.

>Wow! That was pretty darn good! I suppose the Tyranid player charged
>all out in open ground against your titans? Not a great idea. I like
>to use the bio-titans manueverability against the less manueverable
>Imperial titans. Charge around the flanks, they are fast so they'll
>make it to close combat by turn two. Using what ever cover is
>available for the first turn is key, then hit them turn two. There a
>nice weapon to keep the other player busy while you infantry moves in,
>but they aren't invincible.

It was a pretty funny actually. I got a bit lucky will scoring THAT many
wounds, but the real reason was yes, he ran out into the open for me. Its
was a case of male bravado. I taunted him into attacking my Imperator (I
dared him to take it down) and he obliged. Fool. Still it was fun. But
his 'Stealers and Termies made a real mess of my Right Flank. Lucky I had
a Rough Rider Company in reserve.

And I have to agree that the Bio-Titans are best used to flank and/or
distract your opponent from attacking your infantry. They are big and
impressive and so people shoot at them. That way you can get your
'Stealers in place for the attack.


"Look, just give me some inner peace
or I'll mop the floor with you."
Received on Thu Apr 19 2001 - 21:59:50 UTC

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