Re: Flaming for no legitimate reason, and in a "kind er, gentler" way...

From: W. S. Scott Boyd <wsboyd_at_...>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 16:36:12 -0400

Good Lord man!
That will happen when Satan's hockey team (after practising
on their new ice rink near the old Lake of Fire) wins the
Stanley Cup!

WSB :-}
(Canada: The country above the USA)

> Besides, Canadians are just Yanks who are in denial.
> They will come around soon enough...
> AHEM !
> "I'm not a lumberjack or a fur trader.
> And I don't live in a igloo or eat blubber or own a dog sled.
> And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzie from Canada, although
> I am certain they are really, really nice.
> I have a Prime Minister, not a President; I speak English and
> French, not American;
> and I pronounce it 'about' not 'a boot'. I can proudly sew
> my county's flag on my backpack; I believe in peace keeping,
> not policing; diversity, not assimilation; and that the
> beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.
> A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch, and it is
> pronounced 'zed'. Not 'zee', 'zed'.
> Canada is the second-largest land mass, the first nation
> of hockey and the best part of North America.
> My name is Joe, and I am Canadian."

And in the interest of equal time...


I'm not particularly intelligent, open-minded, or
generally well-liked.
I don't live in a clean place,
I don't eat nutritiously very often,
And I don't drive well.

I don't know Shakespeare, Da Vinci or Gutenberg,
Although I'm certain they weren't American.
I drink beer.....not good beer.
I don't use utensils when eating.
I believe in guns for settling disputes, not discussions.
And I pronounce it AIN'T, not AREN'T.
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my
backpack......until I go anywhere.
Burger King IS fine dining.
Cracker Jack IS a vegetable and
WWF wrestling is real.

The UNITED STATES is the ONLY country in the world,
The FIRST nation of ignorance,
And the BEST part of South America !!
My name is Johnny Bob Jimmy Joe Ray AND I AM
Received on Sun Apr 22 2001 - 20:36:12 UTC

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