go Atlanta Thrashers hockey is great and I love our new team
but I just wish they could have come up with a more ferousous mascot
netepic_at_yahoogroups.com wrote:
Good Lord man!
> That will happen when Satan's hockey team (after
> on their new ice rink near the old Lake of Fire) wins the
> Stanley Cup!
<P>WSB� :-}
> (Canada: The country above the USA)
<P>-->Well, the LA Kings did make the finals once, and there's lawyas a
possibility that Phoenix will some day be a real team.� BTW, I wasn't aware
that the Kings were getting a new rink.� 8)� Then again, I'm a long
time Habs fan so......
<P>Josh R
Minister for General Mayhem
> "Don't let the bastards grind you
down."� Gen. Joseph Stilwell
> Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
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