Re: [NetEpic ML] Flaming for no legitimate reason, and in a "kinder, gentler" way...

From: Eivind Borgeteien <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 13:45:38 +0200

> union!.....everybody knows how Norway rightfully belongs to the danish
> empire., that we both agree on that, lets figure out how we get our
> land in south-sweden and northern germany back ! ! !

I was just trying to be nice, norwegians refer to that time period as "The
Night of 400 Years...." :-)

Even thoug, from what I have read norwegians looked upon the king in
Copenhagen as a rightious, just and good alligned fellow. It was his civil
servants that was a pain....

As for speaking of sides in a campaign, I cant really picture the
S�nnafjelske Craftworld led by Farseer Tordenskiold...

I would rather have looked upon fantasy litterature.

I have always considered you danes to be hobbits (with all your eating,
drinking and laid back attitude)

Swedes, elfs, with their hierto somewhat patronizing, cocky attitude. (My
boss is a swede.....)

Finnish, dwarfs, they are rough, tough and darn hard to break. (But also
have the undwarfish trait of being great at the diplomatic game...)

Germany, WH fantasy Empire, with the posibility to do good, but can become
mislead by cheeming chaos powers...

And last; Norwegians, gnomes. We have all the attitude of the dwarfs, we do
it our way, or no way at al, but very little to show for ourselves in terms
of hard action.

Received on Tue Apr 24 2001 - 11:45:38 UTC

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