Can we get a picture for it when its done?
Ryan Lawson wrote:
> So I am almost finished assembling a Squat artillery piece reminiscent of
> the WW2 Gustav. I need a tractor/carrier piece off of any Ordinatus if
> anyone has an extra I can buy off of them. I have 3 right now so I can
> finish it looking like Galvatron from Transformers or I can hold off for the
> full railway gun effect.
> I think I am going to have to make a template for this thing it is so big. I
> figure as for the main cannon:
> Penetrator [10BP] [-6 to save]
> High Explosive [10BP] [-2 to save] [12cm template]
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Received on Sun May 27 2001 - 23:21:37 UTC