RE: [NetEpic ML] unballanced armies

From: Karlsen Rune <rune.karlsen_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 12:56:48 +0200

The point here, as i see it, is that we have to compare
them to other titans/praetorians which are special cards.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen@...]
> Sent: 31. mai 2001 11:06
> To:
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] unballanced armies
> If you compare them to for instance Necron Stalkers, they are a true
> bargain....!
> However, you might not want to doo this with all the
> Praetorians. If one
> should decide to change this I thing one should give each
> type a thorough
> evaluation. Not just up the prices by 1/3. I do feel that for
> instance the
> Leviathan is quite fairly priced, we must also remeber that
> these units are
> special cards!!! So if we should decide to up the prices, I
> dont think we
> should increase them by more than a 100 - 150 points.
> Nils.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karlsen Rune [mailto:rune.karlsen_at_...]
> Sent: 31. mai 2001 10:10
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] unballanced armies
> I too have been amazed at how little the Squats have to pay for their
> Praetorians.
> They can outshoot anything short of an Eldar titan armed with
> pulslasers,
> but
> are 5 times more resilient. 650-750 sounds much more reasonable to me.
> Rune
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
> Sent: 31. mai 2001 01:04
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] unballanced armies
> Hi!
> Hmmm.. very interesting points, you should have pointed that
> out during the
> revision, we could have up the cost. I see the merit in what
> you say, they
> are pretty more resilient know with templates, especially
> since vortex and
> other one-shot kills are now expensive, makes preatorians
> pretty nasty.
> What say others in this regard? I think the points cost Ryan
> states are on
> the money too, opinions?
> Peter
> Ryan Lawson wrote:
> Damn thats expensive! The original idea was to make preatorians worth
> their points by giving them templates, is templates and their original
> cost too good? I'd like to hear comments on this, since its a very
> interesting point.
> Squat praetorians have a LOT of firepower. They have better
> firepower than
> titans. They also have the FF and move ability which is also extremely
> valuable.
> In the old rules, the Colossus and Cyclops were pointed
> properly with regard
> to most everything.....but vortex missiles, warp missiles,
> gutbusters and a
> handful of other shield ignoring weapons skewed their value
> way too much.
> Adding hit locations to them made them withstand those one-shot kill
> weapons, but it also made them much more resilient against
> regular weapons
> and units. We found that they were too powerful with hit
> locations without
> an additional increase in points. The points I pay right now
> are little high
> probably, I figured it was better to overpay for them than
> underpay. Now
> that we have fielded them a few times as they are, I think
> 700 is more in
> line for a Colossus and 650 for a Cyclops. They take hits better than
> titans, have excelle!
> !
> nt firepower....but they have no weapon options and
> their maneuverability is nonexistent.
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