Did you use the template? Its hard for shokk attack guns to take out
preatorians using their templates now.
Ryan Lawson wrote:
>> I have used them because if they get a hit plus doubles it is an automatic
>> destruction. I have taken out some good units with them. I also use it
>> because if you get your snotlings into close combat, ie: they didn't
> scatter
>> to far away, they can disrupt the enemy's action and make them forfeit
> their
>> firing because of the early CC. It isn't a cheesey unit because you can
> only
>> affect 4 targets.
>> Darius
> I lost my Ordinatus Armageddon to these bastards in a recent game. Died on
> turn 1 and never got a shot off. Man I hate Shock attack guns.
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Received on Sat Jun 02 2001 - 17:31:51 UTC