Re: Sv: Re: [NetEpic ML] Shock attack guns

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 13:43:51 -0400


Sorry, thought you were refering to mole companies. A termite is a
single detachemnt therefore you roll once for the whole group. In case
of mole companies, each one is a detachment so they roll for scatter


eivind.borgeteien_at_... wrote:

> So what you are saying is that when using termites you have to risk that your detachment comes so badly out of coherency that they must spend the rest of the game comming into coherency?
> I can understand that you roll once for each tunneller with a mole-company as each mole carries one detachment, but using the same rules on termites makes them totally useless.
> Are you completely sure on this?
> Eivind
>> Fra: primarch_at_...
>> Dato: 2001/06/01 Fri PM 12:18:05 CEST
>> Til:
>> Emne: Re: [NetEpic ML] Shock attack guns
>> Hi!
>> You scatter once for each tunneler in the company.
>> Peter
>> --- In netepic_at_y..., nils.saugen_at_s... wrote:
>>> This discussion aros after I left. the target cannot shoot if it is
>> pinned
>>> by the snotlings, since the Colossus cannot be pinned by the
>> snotlings it
>>> may fire freely.
>>> A secon question though. Termites breaking through the surface,
>> should you
>>> roll scatter for each one or just for the first in a detachment?
>>> Nils
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: eivind.borgeteien_at_c... [mailto:eivind.borgeteien_at_c...]
>>> Sent: 1. juni 2001 10:23
>>> To: netepic_at_y...
>>> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Shock attack guns
>>> Sensitivity: Confidential
>>> Hi
>>> We played a rather amusing game of netepic last night where the
>> little guys
>>> faced their all time favourite army, orks.
>>> The ork-player is quite a novice in this game so Nils helped him out
>> some,
>>> but the squats won non the less.
>>> As always, some question turns up. the rules for shock attack guns
>> say:
>>> "HIT + Other = Fight close combat with target. Roll 2 D6 for the
>> Snotling
>>> close combat score, target makes normal combat roll (2 D6+CAF)."
>>> This is OK, but further it says:
>>> "If target wins it cannot shoot for the rest of the turn."
>>> This must surely be if the target can be pinned by infantry? It
>> seems unfair
>>> that a Collosus should loose all its shots to a rampaging
>> snotling...
>>> Eivind
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