Army character

From: <primarch_at_...>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 20:05:11 -0000


A lot has been said about the character of an army, it can have this,
but not that unit, they are slow or they are fast. I realize we have
never defined WHAT that character entails. Not a long list, but at
least some guidelines may aid in unit creation for the future. I also
suspect that not everyone sees eye to eye on what exactly is the
nature of one army or another 9as per the current Squat discussion).

Here's a simple list of what I think each army is, as far as what they
can and cannot have.

Space marine- Fast attack, mobile. Even if you dont use flier they
should be able to use t-hawks, its intergral to their battlefield
strategy. Units should be medium to small with close combat abilites.
Marines are not a shooty army, no unit should be better than their
devastators. They should have NO heavy artillery or tanks, everything
is light and quick to close ground.

IG- Opposite of Space marine, generally slow moving with few rapid
deployment options in the form of special cards. They can have shooty
units, heavy artillery, mega-tanks, but not close combat giants. Their
units should be medium to large. Overall they should have very little
support cards since most resources are at the company level. This
makes a lot of companies scarce since points will preclude bringing

Eldar- small elite units. I dont mind good special abilities, they
need them becuase they are usually outnumbered. They are not
necessarily a shooting army, but those they have should be long range,
it fits with thier "keep at arms-length" doctine. Very specialized
troops, but not mixed, either they are close combat giants or shooting
monsters, not both. They should never have ANY heavy artillery not
very eldarish.

Orks- large crappy units. Its odd that the ors have no "tank" clans
when they use so much of them, no stompa mob company cards or
deathrolla clans. they all should be big and unwieldy. They should
have VERY FEW independent units and then they should be somewhat
unreliable (madboys, tinbotz). They can shoot alot, but their average
range should be 50-75cm, NEVER over that.

Chaos- problematic since its really several armies in one, easy to to
create fairly good army with few weaknesses, besides units added by
GW, I'd be VERY wary of giving them any more units.

Tyranids- swarms or troops, or small groups of highly specialized
ones, keep regeneration skills low, theres alot of that already. I'd
add more specialized infantry before vehicle types. Perhaps some
cavalry type unts are in order.

Slann- good as they are, any attempt to add to them will end in
immediate extermination of the offender!

Squats- <evil grin>, I'll let YOU decide what they are....

Received on Tue Jun 12 2001 - 20:05:11 UTC

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