Jervis on Epic (Fanatic Newsletter)

From: Tom Webb <mail_at_...>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 11:28:36 +0100

>- You can say that again Jervis :-)

There were two places where, with hindsight, I can see that I got rather
carried away. One was the Adeptus Titanicus II rules for Epic, and the other
was the 4th Edition rules for Blood Bowl. The mistake I made in both cases
was to make sweeping changes to the game systems as almost the first thing I
did � or to put it another way, I just did too much too soon. The changes I
made left Epic players and Blood Bowl coaches reeling; they
went from a situation where GW did nothing at all for the games for
several years, to almost the opposite extreme where they found themselves
confronted by numerous changes and modifications. It also has to be said
that some of the changes would have benefited from rather more rigorous
playtesting. Oh hubris, your name is games designer!

So, suitably chagrined, I have decided to backtrack a bit. The effect this
has on the Epic rules was explained in the last Epic magazine and the rest
of this editorial will explain what the future holds for Blood Bowl, in
terms of the game rules at least.
Received on Tue Jul 03 2001 - 10:28:36 UTC

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