Re: [NetEpic ML] Tanith First and Only

From: Albert Farré Benet <cibernyam_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 19:29:23 +0200


The idea is great for a novel, but I think this army is too limited to be fielded as a whole, even as a company. I would start by making them a special card of an HQ unit and 10 tactical stands or HQ plus 5 CC stands.

The reasoning is as follows:

IG armies have a very high level of casualties (I think we all agree on this :-) ) and IG regiments are never reinforced but a new regiment is raised to replace the remains of the previous one. I supose, though I'm not sure, that the old decimated regiment is given three choices: either they leave the army and receive some fields in a distant colony planet (much like classical Rome, where veterans were given lands to colonize and spread Latin culture), they rejoin Imperial forces as special units, like forward observers, high rank guards, etc thus acting as veterans, or they are mixed with remains of other regiments to form a whole new regiment, thus leaving behind any special features individual soldiers could have.

Following this ideas, a regiment of troops which have very "special" caracteristics but cannot be substituted would not be used in large numbers, so they can be fielded during a long time. Even more, allocating half of the regimental forces to battle in first line (as this seems their role in battle) would mean that the regiment would last only a few battles.

Note that Catachan and other special Imperial regiments actually DO have the possibility to be substituted by new risen regiments (though not too often, as the planets have limited population).

I think they could only be used in very few numbers and in counted battles, as they losses cannot be replaced. Let's use them as Unique Special Cards (that means, Special Card plus the limitation to ONE CARD FOR THE ENTIRE BATTLE FORCE) and obviously, if played in campaigns, once broken they cannot be used again.

What do you think?

  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 4:58 PM
  Subject: [NetEpic ML] Tanith First and Only

  Its awfully quiet on the list theese days, but I hope someone is

  Summertime is readingtime and I have spent my vacation at the beach
  reading the
  40K novel "First and Only" Its about an IG regiment and their
  commander. I had
  to make a netepic unit out of it.

  Any feedback is greatly apreciated!

  Tanith First and Only - Gaunts Ghosts

  This is a special regiment of IG coming from the world of Tanith. The
  day of the
  regiments founding, an overwhelming force of chaos invaded Tanith.
  Instead of
  fighting a hopeless battle, the commander, Commissar Colonel Ibram
  decided to salvage what he could of the regiment and leave the
  planet. As Tanith
  now most likely is a dead world, the Tanith 1st is the only regiment
  from this world.

  The vast majority of the regiment feels that they should have fought
  and died
  for their homeplanet rather than leave it behind. Therefore the men
  called themselves The Ghosts, or Gaunts Ghosts, after the man who
  denied them to
  die for their homes.

  Tanith was a forest planet situated in a system very near The Eye of
  Terror. The
  influence of Chaos had a peculiar effect on the forest, making it
  change from
  day to day, hour to hour. Trails that where there one hour could be
  gone the
  next as the trees moved across the planet.

  Because of this, the people of Tanith developed an exceptional sense
  direction and stealth, allowing them one initial move before the
  battle begins.

  Coming from a forest world, the regiments uniform is heavily
  camouflaged. All
  fighting men of Tanith is wearing a special camouflaged cape that
  makes them
  very hard to see in wooded terrain. Because of this, when situated in
  forest or
  forest edge, the regiment cant be targeted unless the
  firing/targeting unit is
  25 cm or nearer the Tanith forces.

  With the forces of chaos already on top of them the Tanith 1st had to
  leave in a
  hurry and lost very much of their equipment. Because of this, the
  regiment has
  no vehicles. However, the two company HQ stands does not have to be
  coherency. Further, you may only attach IG Tactical or IG Support as
  supportcards to a Tanith company. These supportcards posses all
  Tanith abilities
  and can only be attached to a Tanith Company

  When choosing Gaunts Ghost you must bye Commisar Colonel Ibram Gaunt
  as a
  special card. The Commissar has learned fast and now posses all the
  abilites of
  the Tanith tacticals in addition to the normal abilities for an
  Imperial Guard
  Colonel. His personal guard also has all the Tanith special

  As the commander is a commissar, the Imperium has full trust in this
  and has not assigned any other commisars to it. Because of this, even
  if you bye
  additional Tanith companies, you do not get more commisars for this

  Stats and cost is just like the corresponding ordinary IG units.
  However, the company HQ and the colonel does not have any vehicles.
  (Ibram Gaunt
  being an IG colonel)


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