Re: [Epic] Revenants vs. Warhounds

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 08:53:52 -0400

> How do you figure this one? Assuming the FP take down a void shield.
> not sure of this, don't have my FP chart. How many dice is 8 fp? 5 or
> Then the AT shots get 4 hits. 1 hit takes down the second void shield
and 3
> go into the Warhound. This is not enough to kill it. Don't warhounds
have a
> DC of 4?

Did I write gone? Well, I didn't mean "gone"... :-) Argh, looks like
I should have done it more rigorously. Indeed the warhound will lose 2
void shields down and 3 damage, which will give a 50% chance of a
critical that will take it the rest of the way. So 50% chance that the
warhound goes down rather than 'it's gone'. My fault there, sorry.
The second turn of shooting will take down that warhound, but if it
doesn't get a critical, the revenants will be hit by 24 FP vs. 12 FP
(so one of them should be badly damaged per the Warhounds shoot first
part of the analysis).

Okay, taking into account blast markers, correct mathematics and the
splitting of FP between a detachment, the upshot is:

Warhounds shoot first - Around 70% likely that there will be one badly
damaged and possibly dead revenant (keep another detachment nearby to
shoot at it once and kill it if it still lives). If the revenant dies,
the second revenant will be crippled next turn at the loss of no
warhounds. If the revenant survives, both will fire back and severely
damage a warhound with a 50% chance of killing it before the crippled
revenant is destroyed. The final revenant would probably be able to
take down the badly damaged warhound before it kicks off.

~70% chance: 1 undamaged warhound, 1 slightly damaged warhound, 2 dead
~30% chance: 1 undamaged warhound, 1 dead warhound, 2 dead revenants

Revenants shoot first - Around 50% likely that there will be one dead
warhound, it will definitely be badly damaged. If it survives, the
warhounds should be able to badly damage a revenant and kill it off
before they are both destroyed. If the initial shooting kills a
warhound, the revenants will 50% likely survive with only one being
badly damaged.

~50% chance: 1 undamaged revenant, 1 dead revenant, 2 dead warhounds
~25% chance: 1 undamaged revenant, 1 badly damaged revenant, 2 dead
~25% chance: 2 undamaged revenants, 2 dead warhounds

Whew, enough of this!


- Erik

"Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble
up, if you will ever dig."
- Marcus Aurelius
Received on Wed Jul 30 1997 - 12:53:52 UTC

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