RE: [Epic] Deathwing Detachment

From: Thomas Lee Denney <seether_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 13:48:12 -0500

>---> I think this is still too much - marines already have the
>"stubborn" for re-rolls.
>At most. I'd give 'em a +1 to Leadership checks.
>-----> Different Chapters for Marines, Clans for Orks, Craftworlds for
>Eldar etc. I
>can probably buy, but do we need special rules for *individual
>I think not...ya gotta draw the line somewhere, and I know - the Death
>and the Ravenwing have come out, but they're still pretty optional, and
>how many
>"specials" does one group get?
>----> yes, if we must pursue this: 1 company = 100 marines = 20 stands
>of Termies, max.
> The tanks etc. should probably be the max support=max # main force
>Here's my take:
> If you want marines, and you want special assault marines, make some
>Wolves, and they already have WD rules for it - some chance your
>opponent has seen it.
>Take a Death company and some grunt BA's. Spread out a bit and paint
>some of those
>guys a different color...I have UM's for most of my marines, with a
>SM/TL Batlte co &
>support of Blood Angels, a GreatCo, LR co + support of Wolves, a BtlCo &
>of DA's, and some Howling griffons to match my 40K marines. You don't
>humongous gobs of them like this, but make another detatch of another
>chapter and
>use their "rules creep", rather than adding your own...
>(Or not - hell if you really like DA's just say the deathwing uses the
>Wolf rules - : ) )
>Chris Miller

Taking into account everything all of you have said, did any of you notice
this special ability was costing each unit 5 extra points. I do agree they
are to powerful, but better to make them to powerful and then change them
to be less powerful then to make them not enough and increase the cost for
nothing in return. I like the idea of just automatically passing
leadership tests and/or ignoring the effects of blast markers. How much
would you pay for this? 3 points extra to a regular Terminator stand, i.e:
22 points? The reason I wanted to make this is because I play Dark Angels
and I don't want to have a mish-mosh of detachments from different chapters
only because of their abilities (I kind of think that leans a bit towards
cheese). That's not to say my proposed Deathwing detachment isn't cheese
as is, because it is. I just couldn't think of a way to incorporate the
psychology thing into Epic40K, so i figured I'd write the rules up as I did
and see what other idea everyone else had (btw: what does it mean in 40K
to be immune to psychology?). I do really like the idea of automatic
leadership check pass and ignoring blast markers, but how many points for
this would you think is fair????????

As for the amount of units, I was just following the guidelines of the
ravenwing (50 units= one and a half full detachments). I think this should
be changed to to more closely resemble the Codex limits. That was the
reason I included Land Raiders and Dreadnought for support, but maybe I
should change that to allow an extra cost for 1 Land Raider per unit, and
no extras in the support column. And, for the Dreadnoughts a limit of say 5.

I'll repost a fixed version later today and see what you guys think. I'd
like someone to give me an honest points cost for the automatic L.C. pass
and ignoring the effects of blast markers.

I do appreciate the bluntness of you guys. I try to take critisizm well
and hope it will only make me a better gamer.

Ravenwing Speeder Motto: Dark Angels don't die, we just go back to the
rock and regroup!

Ezekiel- Grand Master of Librarians
Received on Thu Jul 31 1997 - 18:48:12 UTC

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