Re: [Epic] Epic 40k Armies

From: Sutherland <charles_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 21:27:35 -0500

>Besides, Games Workshop has as much as admitted that the Tyranids are going
>to win in the end. How can you lose?
>BTW, does anyone have any idea what theme music would be appropriate for a
>Tyranid recruitment drive?

"I've got you under my skin"
"Jungle Boogie"
anything by the group FINE YOUNG CANNIBALS
"Jeepers Creepers(where'd you get those eyes?)"
"Godzilla" by BlueOysterCult

I am sure there are more.

(dont listen to that much mainstream music)

                                                                That Chuk Guy
Received on Fri Aug 01 1997 - 02:27:35 UTC

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