RE: [Epic] Deathwing Detachment

From: James <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 1997 07:11:23 -0400

Taking into account everything all of you have said, did any of you notice=

this special ability was costing each unit 5 extra points. I do agree the=
are to powerful, but better to make them to powerful and then change them=

to be less powerful then to make them not enough and increase the cost for=

nothing in return. I like the idea of just automatically passing
ip tests and/or ignoring the effects of blast markers. How much
would you =
pay for this? 3 points extra to a regular Terminator stand, i.e:
22 points=
? The reason I wanted to make this is because I play Dark Angels
and I don=
't want to have a mish-mosh of detachments from different chapters
only bec=
ause of their abilities (I kind of think that leans a bit towards
cheese). =
 That's not to say my proposed Deathwing detachment isn't cheese
as is, bec=
ause it is. I just couldn't think of a way to incorporate the
psychology t=
hing into Epic40K, so i figured I'd write the rules up as I did
and see wha=
t other idea everyone else had (btw: what does it mean in 40K
to be immune=
 to psychology?). I do really like the idea of automatic
leadership check =
pass and ignoring blast markers, but how many points for
this would you thi=
nk is fair????????

As for the amount of units, I was just following the gu=
idelines of the
ravenwing (50 units= one and a half full detachments). I=
 think this should
be changed to to more closely resemble the Codex limits.=
  That was the
reason I included Land Raiders and Dreadnought for support, =
but maybe I
should change that to allow an extra cost for 1 Land Raider per=
 unit, and
no extras in the support column. And, for the Dreadnoughts a li=
mit of say 5.

I'll repost a fixed version later today and see what you guy=
s think. I'd
like someone to give me an honest points cost for the automat=
ic L.C. pass
and ignoring the effects of blast markers.

I do appreciate th=
e bluntness of you guys. I try to take critisizm well
and hope it will onl=
y make me a better gamer.

How about give them something like they always p=
ass leadership to move in the assault phase, or always pass leadership on a=
ssault orders? This way they would be a little cheaper. Any Immune to Psych=
ology means just that, you don't have to take Psychology tests. You do have=
 to take break tests however(Breaktests have no real counterpart in E40K, i=
t's what you take when you lose half a squad. Or I think 25% of a squad in=
 a turn) Your cost was fine for always passing leadership tests. As for ing=
noring blast markers? I'm not sure what the means, if it means they don't l=
ose blast markers when firing, ok. That is good. If it means they don't cou=
nt blast markers in CC and FF that would be a bit much, because firing at t=
hem would be worthless then, they would be impossible to suppress.
"Your incorrect assumptions are threefold."
ou assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would =
be bound by precedents and precepts from the last 10 million years."
"But y=
our most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that we care."
vid Brin, Infinity's Shore
-----James Nugent----------------------------------------

Received on Fri Aug 01 1997 - 11:11:23 UTC

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