---"Erik K. Rutins" wrote:
> "I'm curious about American wargaming stores selling GW stuff at
> discounted
> prices. How can they? My local independant store tried the
> stuff and was forced by GW to raise the prices to the normal selling
> price
> or face being struck off GW's retailers list!"
> Well, since the 1700's, the British have pretty much steered clear of
> us... ;-) Plus, the powers that be at GWUS claim to have once been
> Americans. ;-) ;-)
> Regards,
> - Erik
Just thought I'd say that here in Sydney there are 2 independant
gaming stores within a block of our main GW store, and both sell GW
stuff at a discount of about 15% (GW charges AU$140 for E40K, and I
got it 50m down the street for $100). Maybe they do not realise how
much money they are missing out on? nIt's at the point where the
_staff_ are practically telling customers to get their stuff at the
other stores (that's loyalty for ya).
"90cm is short ranged?!? ...you must be an IG player."
Scott Shupe, 25/7/97
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