RE: [Epic] Hero of the Day

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 15:03:21 -0500

> But they're also only 50 points, I think. From what I hear,
>if you slap Ablative armor on a Rhino and put it in front of your Land
>Raider/Predator/something useful, it is pretty much guaranteed to soak
>up the first two Lascannons that are fired, since you have to shoot at
>the closest target.

----> Yep, they're 50 points, and can conceivably soak up 2 hits, unless
the enemy just jump packs past it, and wastes your Pred with meltaguns,
 etc. I wasn't saying they don't have their uses, but the previous
poster was
commenting on their lack of offensive power, and I was commenting that
they don't have any in 40K either, other than the lucky "ram" attack.
bolters certainly don't inspire any terror, so I would not expect one to
any more power than they already do in E40K. I think any ranged FP
would be too much...

Chris Miller

(who remembers when rhinos were like 300 points and had a powerfield
covering either end...remember that? How goofy was that? I also remember
WD article where they finally admitted that the vehicle system didn't
too well, and the changed it to those diagram thingies...)
Received on Thu Aug 07 1997 - 20:03:21 UTC

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