RE: PAINTING, was Re: [Epic] quoting articles, picture question

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 14:17:50 -0500

>From: Bill Provick[SMTP:bprovick_at_...]
>Sent: Sunday, August 10, 1997 4:53 PM
>To: space-marine_at_...
>Subject: Re: PAINTING, was Re: [Epic] quoting articles, picture question
>>Oki, who basically have given up hope of ever completing painting all his GW
>Oki, don't detail them, and then when you are out of cash, and bored, with
>no new models to paint you can A: strip them down with Pinesol, or B: add
>(Not that I have any hope of finishing all my GW miniatures)

-----> Lord is this the truth. I tend to paint in bursts, but I buy
probably a reaction against those high-school days of too much time,
not enough money.Having had Epic under control (Orks and Impies,
anyway. My eldar and chaos cry out for a color other than Krylon
primer white) I decided to do a 40K Ork army,(having had a blast w/orks
under Epic) Good Lord - do you know those boxed set armies GW puts
out for roughly $200 (U.S.) - All other armies, that buys you 2000+
For Orks it gets you 1000. (bought it from a friend for less than new
but really...) And that's a LOT of orks to paint..
        Then of course, I bought the new Epic set, and decided to touch up
the great gargant, the reaver battlegroup, etc.
        Help Me - I've primered but I can't paint up!

Chris Miller

Received on Mon Aug 11 1997 - 19:17:50 UTC

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