RE: [Epic] Adepts Ministorum Detachment

From: Chris White <chris_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 08:13:49 -0700

        I have a theory about the popularity of the Sisters...

        It first came =
to me when I noticed how many Necro' players used the...whatsits...I forget=
 their name...

        Anyway, the girl gang. Now, apparently, the Sisters are a =
hot item. Let's face it, there aren't that many females who play tabletop w=
argames, or paint miniatures, or play RPGs or any of that stuff. Perhaps th=
ese items are popular because of some kind of subconscious yearning for the=
 female form while we sit in our musty, poorly lit war-dens sipping caffein=
ated beverages. You'll notice that the models are

ually, The sisters...wern't! I lost a bet that GW would somehow come out wi=
th form-fitting power armour. The sisters are quite literally Nun's with Gu=
ns. The have power armour and robes.

        I was thinking more of the curves t=
he WFB and Necro' models have.


Received on Thu Aug 14 1997 - 15:13:49 UTC

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