[Epic] Heh..new imperial unit:

From: <csalvato_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 97 12:20:24

Human Bombs

Move RNG FP Aslt Arm Notes
10cm 15cm 1 1 3+ Rampage

Human bombs are criminals whose only salvation is death in the emperor's name.
They are rigged with explosive collars which are detonated when in close
proximity to the enemy. (Thus, rampage; 2 dice to destroy enemy, destroyed if
lose close assault). Points spent on human bombs *do not* count towards the
morale value of the detachment, and likewise human bomb units do not count
towards the detachment's half strength.

Cost: around 6 points per stand, I think...

Received on Thu Aug 14 1997 - 11:20:24 UTC

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