Re: [Epic] The Hobby

From: <csalvato_at_...>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 97 13:22:09

It seems to me that everybody who is complaining about unpainted minis has taken
Marines as their army. I find this a little disturbing.

As a devoted Waaargh! Leader, I chose da boyz in da box as my army, and I fully
intend to paint them. The problem is, unlike marines, I can't just spray one
color on all of my infantry and then detail with two or three more. Hell, half
of the colors I want to use are hard to find in spray. For Example, my Nobz:
I've chosen to make my nobz Bad Moons. Yellow bodies, black guns, black power
claws, and green faces. Yet, this takes me forever, because I want a nob that's
gonna look ded 'ard.

Now, you may say to me, "oh, so sit down and paint one detachment a night,
you'll get it done in no time." Sure, and I'll not see my girlfrined who lives
70 miles away, I'll not spend any time with my family, I'll not spend any time
playing the multitude of other games out there, I'll not play any computer games
I happen to own, I'll not do anything around the house that needs to be done,
and I'll not do anything else I might plan on doing because I work 5 days a week
and have many other obligations.

Jeez, this turned into a rant real fast. Apologies to anybody whose been
offended or pissed off by this tirade. I'm just tired of the painted-army snobs
out there who think that they have the right to judge *me* unfit to play because
my life doesn;t allow as much time as I pwould like to paint my army. And I
know that there are marine players out there who take their time on the marines
they play, and I applaud them.

It's a *GAME*. That's all, nothing less. And to those who would never play me
because I haven't painted my army, I say fine. I bet that there are more people
out there with unpainted armies that completely painted, and I'll be more than
willing to watch as their unprimered hordes attack mine. Because while, yes,
painting the miniatures adds volumes to the game, it is not required to have a
good time while playing.

Rant mode off.

Received on Sun Aug 17 1997 - 12:22:09 UTC

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