Re: [Epic] The Hobby

From: Ken Taborek <oberon_at_...>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 07:40:54 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 17 Aug 1997 csalvato_at_... wrote:

> It seems to me that everybody who is complaining about unpainted minis has taken
> Marines as their army. I find this a little disturbing.
> As a devoted Waaargh! Leader, I chose da boyz in da box as my army, and I fully
> intend to paint them. The problem is, unlike marines, I can't just spray one
> color on all of my infantry and then detail with two or three more. Hell, half
> of the colors I want to use are hard to find in spray. For Example, my Nobz:
> I've chosen to make my nobz Bad Moons. Yellow bodies, black guns, black power
> claws, and green faces. Yet, this takes me forever, because I want a nob that's
> gonna look ded 'ard.
> Now, you may say to me, "oh, so sit down and paint one detachment a night,
> you'll get it done in no time." Sure, and I'll not see my girlfrined who lives
> 70 miles away, I'll not spend any time with my family, I'll not spend any time
> playing the multitude of other games out there, I'll not play any computer games
> I happen to own, I'll not do anything around the house that needs to be done,
> and I'll not do anything else I might plan on doing because I work 5 days a week
> and have many other obligations.
> Jeez, this turned into a rant real fast. Apologies to anybody whose been
> offended or pissed off by this tirade. I'm just tired of the painted-army snobs
> out there who think that they have the right to judge *me* unfit to play because
> my life doesn;t allow as much time as I pwould like to paint my army. And I
> know that there are marine players out there who take their time on the marines
> they play, and I applaud them.
> It's a *GAME*. That's all, nothing less. And to those who would never play me
> because I haven't painted my army, I say fine. I bet that there are more people
> out there with unpainted armies that completely painted, and I'll be more than
> willing to watch as their unprimered hordes attack mine. Because while, yes,
> painting the miniatures adds volumes to the game, it is not required to have a
> good time while playing.
> Rant mode off.
> Chris

I can't agree with you.
I have one "main" Ork opponent. He is the guy who I got into this game
with, along with another buddy. We each bought a box, and swapped our
unwanted minis and built some huge armies that way.
He began painting his orks after I had begun my Marines. He quickly built
a rather impressive hoard, and one I consider to be painted better than my
Marines. He easily has more stuff painted than me. His look alot like
yours sound, three main colors.
He would paint one hoard a night, since they would all use the same color
scheme. In around a months time, he was done. And his total time
invested? Around five evenings. Not a huge investment of time. Hell, we
get together to do many of the things you mention as taking up your time.
So, instead of playing a computer game, we would get together to paint
Epic figs. Instead of throwing down a board game, we painted Epic figs.
It's not a horrible chore. Sit around, laugh and bullshit, and paint.
If this is your first miniatures game, just give it a chance, you'll get
much faster at painting, and your figs will start to look much better,
after you have invested a few hours at it. Start with your least favorite
unit, like a hoard of Gretchen. That way, by the time you get to your
Nobs, they will look ded 'ard without a lot of effort.

One last thing. I don't judge anyone "unfit" to play, regardless of the
state of their figs. I just choose not to play against an unpainted army
because I enjoy the game much less. It's a game, and the only reason to
play is to have fun.

--Ken Taborek oberon_at_...
"Show respect for age. Drink good Scotch for a change."- random fortune
Received on Tue Aug 19 1997 - 11:40:54 UTC

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