Re: [Epic] The Hobby

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 13:27:33 -0400

Chris White wrote:
> > Where did you get lesser daemons in this day & age?
> >GWUK?
> No, actually, I answered an add at the Trading Post. Anthony (the guy who
> is letting his friend use his net access for the huge Auction; small
> world...)was looking to get out of Epic and into 40K. My car had been
> broken into and most of my Marines stolen,

        Someone broke into your car and stole your marines?
Egads. Were you storing them in a gun case? (I've heard of
that before)

> This actually puts me in the mood for a rant (missed my coffee this
> morning): Looking at all the pictures GW has published as examples of things
> to come, and then looking at back issues of WD, I've noticed that the
> models are the same!

        Probably because they haven't gotten around to
designing new ones yet. Nevertheless, I imagine a lot
of the tanks & engines are going to be the same, and I
fail to see why they don't just release those now.

> I looked at the models that I got in trade and noticed
> that that the Chaos Marines are the same, too, right down to their little
> horns. Obviously, they aren't redoing them all; they must have stacks of
> sprues just lying around waiting to ship. So where are they?

        They probably ARE redoing the entire sprues. Or
at least I imagine they're redoing the marines. We've
heard that supposedly GW is redoing the IG infantry, but
there are still pictures of old tac troopers/rough riders
in the rule books.

        I figure that GW is going to replace the 5 generic
chaos guys with bezerker, noise marine, etc guys and maybe
keep 1 or 2 of the generic ones.

> > I actually enjoyed painting the lesser daemons a
> >lot more than painting the little scrubs. They're fairly
> >large & undetailed, so for me it was just a matter of
> >slapping on a base color, drybrushing, and then adding in
> >the details (swords, teeth, tentacles, whatever). While
> >the little schmucks don't look very good if you paint
> >them a single color + highlights, and they're small, hard
> >to pick out detail on, etc etc.
> I'll try that...I was going with the techniques I learned for 40K, shading
> up and all that, and it was just so SLOWWWW!!!

        I never did more than: base cost, primary color
coat, and then drybrushing/highlighting to pick out
detail. Followed by painting the claws & swords & stuff,
which I generally just used 1 coat for. Sometimes I'd
just base coat them the primary color and save myself a
step. They're neat models, but they're only troopers, not
command stands.

> >> BTW, any good suggestions for Chaos color schemes? Black and red
> and white
> >> is all well and good, but it's BORING!!
> >
> > I hear blue & yellow is nisssse....
> Do you start off using, say, blue spray paint, or do you spray primer and
> then hand paint the rest? I used to primer by hand (40K scale)

        Gah. It takes me like an hour to hand-primer a
40k model. Spray paint was invented for a reason.

> to sort of
> "preview" the details I wanted to pick out later, but quickly abandoned
> this technique for E40K. (My hand cramped and my eyes crossed)

        Generally I spray on a black base coat and fill
in the areas the spray missed. Then I paint over the
base coat. For brighter models I just add a heavy white
drybrush over the black, which keeps the recessed areas
dark and lets you get bright colors on with a single coat
(try painting something yellow over a black base... good

Received on Tue Aug 19 1997 - 17:27:33 UTC

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