Re: [Epic] Battle Report

From: Eugene E.W. <eug_at_...>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 12:59:01 -0400

> >Well, flanking can be nice, because it often leads to some of the
> >retreating enemy units being caught and killed as they retreat
> >
> >Eugene
> >
> Come to think of it, that would be another good use for bikes. Zip around
> behind the enemy, and then support CC from behind. If the opponent loses,
> well, loses the whole detachment. Another thing to remember about bikes,
> they shoot at an enemy detachment and survive, then they also Firefight
> and if you have lots of re-roll tarot cards (Which you will, because they
> are marines) then you can almost be guaranteed to win.
> Tyler

Yup, surrounding the enemy for purposes of annihilation is something bikes
are better at than any other units are.

Remember you can only reroll anything once, and it won't help if your
opponent has the advantage and rolled a six (the rerolls only affect your
die, not your opponenent's).

Eldar bikes are probably the most likely to move into 15 cm in the movement
phase, fire, and then (by going first in the assault phase) firefighting
the enemy. It's riskier than the usual tactic, though. The advantage is
that they don't even have to be on assault orders to do it.

Received on Wed Aug 27 1997 - 16:59:01 UTC

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