RE: [Epic] [E40K] Battle Report, part III

From: Matt Starling <mstarling_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:05:26 -0700

Things I liked: I really, really like a sizable unit of infiltrators; one
r two units per detachment only serves as a snap-firing buffer, but an
al detachment of them can have quite an impact.

I didn't paste the origina=
l comment where you said on turn one, rhinos went on assault move, then inf=
iltrators jumped out and moved on assualt with the additional 30cm. Now I =
new infiltrators got an additional 30cm move on the first turn only if they=
 are not placed 30cm in advance of the rest of the army, but how did you ge=
t them inside rhinos! I didn't think you could buy rhinos individually; th=
ey always had to be purchased with infantry. There is nothing that says a =
unit of tac marines can be bought with rhinos, then abandon them and leave =
them out of command while the infiltrators use their vehicles. What did yo=
u do?

Received on Sat Aug 30 1997 - 00:05:26 UTC

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