[Epic] OG Battle Report

From: Tyler Provick <bprovick_at_...>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 18:31:43 -0400

I'll keep it simple. Mostly because I can't exactly quote the entire battle.
It was 1000 pts. Thinking back, I should have played the Planet Fall (or
whatever) scenario. But I chose Escalating Engagement because it was familiar

Blood Angel Captain's report:

We have succeeded. The Obsidian Guard Colony ship was destroyed by its crew
shortly after our victory. The battle was fierce, and we lost many excellent
Marines. After locating the enemy landing point, and making planet fall, one
of our detachments, Force Antara, an Armour Detachment was the first to
arrive on the field, the other detachment having been delayed due to
mechanical problems. Force Antara began charging across the field towards
the single detachment on the other side.

Before Force Antara had gotten very far, two more enemy detachments appeared
on the field. The enemy quickly charged into their positions. We were not
worried, for our second, and final detachment had arrived, with all 6
whirlwinds to provide support. The enemy took to the ruins of an ancient
civilization, and waited to see what we would do.

Again we charged, closer to the enemy. An enemy detachment, comprised mostly
of Vindicators and Assault Marines were very close to attacking Force Antara
in close combat, but a well placed barrage from Force Ultima thinned their
ranks enough for Force Antara to barely break them in a firefight. They fell
back, in an obvious ploy to draw Force Antara to where a detachment of enemy
Tactical Marines stood waiting.

Knowing that a trap exists is the first step to avoiding the trap. Force
Antara decided that the three empty rhinos screening the enemy detachment
would make an easy target for an assault. Meanwhile Force Ultima decimated
another enemy detachment that had wandered too close. Obviously the Obsidian
Guard Empire is more cunning then Force Antara thought. The enemy
detachments obvious trap was cover for an even more insidious trap, as Force
Antra ignored the severly weakened Vindicator and two Assault units,
Tactical Marines rose out of the surrounding ruin to support the derelict
rhinos. Just when Force Antara thought they had won, they found that the
margin by which they were winning, they were actually loosing, and after
taking two casualties, broke and ran. Meanwhile Force Ultima found that
there were more enemy Marines in the ruins as Devastators poured fire into
the ranks of Force Ultima, a Land Raider cut the air with it's two twin
linked Lascannons, and two whirlwinds, hiding behind a wall let loose a
barrage that sent the tightly packed Force Ultima reeling. But still, the
Blood Angels pressed on, and Force Antara rejoined the fray.

Force Ultima and Force Antara continued to advance. Force Ultima was slowly
losing numbers, but was winning the war of attrition and slowly blasting the
enemy out of the ruins. Meanwhile Force Antara was once more driven off,
this time by a petty librarian and half an Assault squad. Force Ultima
managed to drive the enemy tactical detachment off, while finishing off the
Assault unit and Librarian, as well as gunning down the last devastator
hiding in the ruins.

The tactical detachment attempted to rejoin, but after suffering casualties
under Force Ultima's overwatch fire, self destructed. So did the rest of the
marines in the ruins. The field was clear, and the Blood Angels began to
move on the Colony pods.

Upon arrival, all the Blood Angels found was smoking hulks, as it seems the
civilian colony pods suffered the same fate. A bunch of runes were found
carved into a rock with a lasgun. Attempts are currently being made to
translate it.

Public Announcement on Geheim:

Today the crew and passengers of the Colony ship Narayan gave their lives to
find a better world for us to live on. Their souls, and the souls of the
Fedaykin that valiantly defended them have passed on to the realm the
Emperor has created for us. May they find the peace we all fight for.

Announcement ends

Hope you enjoy.

Received on Sun Aug 31 1997 - 22:31:43 UTC

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