RE: [Epic] Tyranids vs Tyranids

From: Peacekeeper-¡ <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 18:24:50 -0400

I like the analogy also. Ants by themselves will still continue to
be ant=
s (i.e. they go by their instinctive behavior), but it is the
collective ac=
tion of many ant working together that gives purpose
and significance to th=
e individual actions. In this sense, ants are
like a "macro-organism"; tha=
t is, the whole colony is a creature,
which acts and reacts is a singlemind=
ed way.

The case has been made that while not intelligent by themselves, c=
ollectivly ants have some
intelligence. I would expecty something similar f=
or 'nids. (although stealers are intelligent by
themsevles. In the original=
 40K, they had a 10 Int.) It is interesting to think what a hive tyrant or =
even a dominatrix would do if it were seperated from the hive mind(not sure=
 if that is possible.)

Received on Sun Aug 31 1997 - 22:24:50 UTC

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