Re: School Children (was [Epic] marine chapters) (which was: Orks with LandRaiders)

From: Oki Purwanto <oki_at_...>
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 1997 22:00:41 +0800

>Jeeez Sauron at least give it another Subject Header. I will never
>feel guilty about a subject change again. };^')
>The world's education system must be crumbling. I heard on the news
>last week that the number of 'A' average high school seniors has
>increased by 5 to 8% (don't remember the exact number). This is
>strange because the collage admission test scores of high school
>seniors has dropped 5 to 8%.
>So teachers are giving better grades and the students are coming out
>dumber (is that fair?). How about less smart.

In Singapore, students practiced on the "Ten years series", basically a
compilation of the GCE 'O'and 'A' Levels examination papers for the last ten
years ! Some nutcases actually go over practically every questions two to
three times.

Hard to go wrong with that much practice and dedication :)

Received on Fri Sep 05 1997 - 14:00:41 UTC

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