[Epic] WD212 Ork Collections

From: Sauron Moridor <sauron1_at_...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 21:25:54 -0400

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Sauron1 writes: I have seen the Ork collections shown in WD212 and have the
following personal observations; One:Everybody except Paul has more hair
than me and is a better painter! Orks are banner crazy and they seem to be
generally lacking in thease armies. GW even lets staff have old metal,but
for how long? Everybody had to have new infantry bases,I wonder if it is
the reason for the newness look of some of the Infantry vs the Metal
vehicle painting.

Paul Syers has a great transport box and a diversified collection and I
love his treatment of the Blood Axe jump troops. Where do the dragons fit
in? But his paint job is too "factory" for me.

Andy Chambers Nice old Great Gargant. Boys are what mine look like but I
never thought of the smoke effects. I do not use grass on my bases,just
green sand.

Adrian Wood Has great vehicles but his boys look too bright for me. I use a
burnt sienna wash.

Jonas Faering has some interesting conversions but must have access to the
bits bins at GW. Something most of us don,t. His Nobs look like Samurai to
me, with those white back banners.

Chris Harbours His Goths look good but his Bad Moons are too "factory" for
me.I would rust em up. His infantry bases are low sanded like mine,but I
use a lighter green skin.

These are not criticisms but observations of the differences of painting
styles between us. My Kults of Speed are still Bike/Wartrack based but I
hope to buy new ork small vehicles for Christmas. Does anybody know the
price/release date for the Wheels of Death?

Received on Tue Sep 09 1997 - 01:25:54 UTC

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