---Tyler Provick wrote:
> At 05:49 PM 9/7/97 -0400, you wrote:
> >At 01:26 PM 9/7/97 -0600, you wrote:
> >>On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, Tyler Provick wrote:
> >>
> >>> Of course, all a Catholic School means now is more strict and
> >>> considered as having a higher standard, not necessarily that
their students
> >>> are Catholic. So be warned all you gun wielding psycopathic
> >>> fanatics out there, if you hose down a Catholic School you won't
only get
> >>> Catholics.
> >>
> >>Actually around here what sets apart a Catholic school is that it
> >>religious education classes, which the students don't pay
attention to
> >>anyhow. In general though, from what I've seen, Catholic Schools
> >>seem to be in any way stricter or having a higher standard. In
fact, I've
> >>seen more juvenile deliquents coming out of Catholic schools.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >In My area, eastern seaboard of the US, there is a higher
percentage of
> >tenn pregnancies and abortions in Catholic schools then the public
> >
> Tyler politely refrains from making any anti-US comments.
> I was talking for experience in Ottawa though. I go to Pius, which
is one of
> the best in town, and is Catholic. Now, there is Confed, which is
> and it is public. I haven't looked at percentages, I've just been
> Tyler
--------------------->>>>Here in Australia, Catholic schools are
looked upon as cheap private schools- say around AU$3000 per year,
whilst a "good" private school costs around AU$10000-12500 per year...
Personally, I seem to dislike almost every person I've always met from
a catholic school. Maybe I just haven't looked enough.... But I have
to say that the standards (both educational and those of the students)
appear to be higher at my school, which is Uniting (BTW, I'm a
Humanist, which I'm guessing doesn't count as a religious fanatic).
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