Re: [Epic] lord of battles

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 15:06:45 -0600

At 14:13 02/03/1997 -0500, you wrote:
>> From: duckrvr_at_...
>> My understandingof the LoB rules, as gleaned from various Q&A and an
>> _extended_ conversation with GW by the local gamestore proprietor is this:
> Conversations with GW don't really mean a whole lot;
>normal employees seem to enjoy giving out their opinion on rule
>interpretations as if they were official in some way, and not
>just their opinions (that are just as valid as your own).

Granted. I don't remember the exact qualifications of this guy, but I
remember thinking he was probably legit.

>> 1) The LoB is given advance or charge orders.
>> A) under advance orders the LoB may move up to its regular move, but
>> may not engage in cc.
>> B) under charge orders the LoB MUST move it's regular move distance
>> (like a gargant on charge has a minimum move), may move up to double
>> its move, and may initiate cc.
> What if it can charge something that's within it's
>regular move distance? It has to go for a target farther away?
>I don't see any reason for that.

Obviously, if it engages in CC that is sufficient. I'm pretty sure it's the
same with a gargant.

>> 2) Regardless of which orders it is given the LoB fires in the FF phase.
> Why? The LoB isn't a command unit, it gets orders just
>like everyone else. I think if they were going to make this sort
>of weird command-normal unit hybrid that you seem to be suggesting,
>they would have spelled it out in the rules.

Yeah, but they didn't spell out a lot of things i.e. it functions exactly as
a greater daemon, but must be given advance or charge orders.

> What about the Plague Tower? I think GW meant it to
>function in the same manner as the LoB, and they clearly spell
>out its need for orders (and clearly spell out other things that
>weren't spelled out in the LoB description, like how to use
>Chaos cards with it).

Maybe they did mean for it to be very similar, however, GW is a little
squirrely sometines. WD 173 finally clarified the chaos card interaction
with the LoB.

In any case, I think this is balanced from a game/point view. A LoB is
clearly weaker than a 500 pt Reaver titan, even with cards. It has less
firepower and no shields. The whole "If I'm ahead on VP's I get yadda,
yadda, yadda" thing barely makes up for the fact that it's saves are
alightly below that of a Reaver. Havng played this way, I also think the
movement restrictions are greater than would be evident at first glance.

Received on Mon Feb 03 1997 - 21:06:45 UTC

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