Re: [Epic] The Imperial Fists

From: Timothy J. Kilgore <tkilgore_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 16:33:15 -0400

At 02:39 PM 9/11/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Sauron1 writes; The story never said what he actually found. If it was the
>Primark he would have been more excited I think. But the Priest said that
>it was a the good techs always figured it out in the end, and he had to
>kill them, but what it was the arch traitor or the Primarch or what I
>suggested, maybe a player more versed in the Dark Angels, (my next Epic
>chapter on build) might tell us. But there shure are a lot of eternal life
>Dark Angels around. I do not have the Dark Angels codex, but I am shure
>Thomas has. sauron1

I don't think I have that Short story you are talking about, what book is
it in, I am a Dark Angels player and I'm interested in seeing that story
you have. The Dasrk angels do keep Lion El'Johson in suspended animation
and they also keep Luther, Lion El'Jhonson arch enemy made into Chaos
Servant turned back into good friend. Luther however is locked in a cell
the only was to open that cell is with Azreal's (the Chapter Master) Sword
of Secrets. As to alot of eternal life Dark Angels, mostly it's the Fallen
who have turned to Chaos that seem to be Immortal. (Except for when A dark
angel Interrorgator Chaplain gets on them)

Timothy J. Kilgore

I'm an american!
do you know what that means?
it means my forefathers got
kicked out of every decent country in the world!
Received on Thu Sep 11 1997 - 20:33:15 UTC

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