Re: [Epic] Memories ...

From: Timothy J. Kilgore <tkilgore_at_...>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 01:37:16 -0400

At 12:16 PM 9/13/97 +0930, you wrote:
>Someone wrote ....
>Gack ! WD #98 ? You sure go way back Aaron, way back.
>Yeah, back then White Dwarf was good.
>It had decent 'articles' not just glorified adverts.
>I think my oldest is #51 but I threw a lot of them out (since the rules had
>changed) but now really miss the good fluff which came with them. Here is a
>test of memory ...
>Who else remembers the Winter Camo scheme for the Blood Angels(I think)
>from the compendium??? What about the Litany for firing a missile ??? How
>many las cannons did the original Land Raider come with.
>My favorite conversion from Rogue Trader ... A sergeants torso modelled
>onto the bottom of a Dalek ... "Exterminate, Exterminate ..." He he he.
>One of the best things about games workshop is the fluff. Unfortunately, I
>know it better than some of their staff.
>Scenario ... I walk into GW. One of the DayGlo abortions runs up to me and
>hollers ... "Hey man, have you seen this stuff before?". I say "Yeah, I
>bought Rogue Trader when it first came out and had a copy of WFB 2nd
>edition". He runs off screaming.
>This brings me to another point ... Why do they always address you as "Man"
>in GW ???
>Why do all the photos consist of 12 year olds screaming at the camera.
>Why do you always find things you have lost behind the couch ???
>And most importantly ... why am I at goddamn work on a f***ing Saturday
>approaching 50hours of work this week. Goddamn software has still got bugs
>in it (still, shouldn't complain, I put some of the bugs there, oops).
The oldest White Dwarf is I own is somewhere in the 50's and I think I have
really old one down in the 30's

Here's one to add on two you list of how many know, remember,

How many remember when White Dwarf was not owned by GW?! When it was a good
gaming magazine not just glorified adverts.

On the subject of annoying GW staff.

I was speaking with someone about that today. We all have taken note as to
the "bringing the game to the younger generation" (not that there is
anything wrong with the younger generation, aftreall we have all been there
at some point) GW stores staff's major priority now is to explain the
games, and riduculus monetary cost, to parents! Several people I know have
been reminiscing(I know I can't spell give me a break) about the old days,
When Deamonetts of Slannesh had actuall female body parts. When Slannesh
Champions sodomized Cats not playing music. The GW store staff today
doesn't know how to handel grown, mature (yeah right! most of us spend
weekends playing with toys) individuals. They try to show us all this new
stuff, that the old timers saw the first time many years ago when GW
production kept up with the options you can take in an army list. And I
just completely forgot my whole point.

Do not mean to rant, do not mean to GW bash (which is one of my favorite
past times) also I did not mean to add in so many side comments (sure after
I do a couple hundred)

Timothy J. Kilgore

I'm an american!
do you know what that means?
it means my forefathers got
kicked out of every decent country in the world!
Received on Sat Sep 13 1997 - 05:37:16 UTC

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