Re: [Epic] Couple Questions

From: Mark A Shieh <SHODAN+_at_...>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 22:00:08 -0400 (EDT)

Eugene Earnshaw-Whyte <eug_at_...> writes:
> Mark A Shieh wrote:
> > Eugene Earnshaw-Whyte <eug_at_...> writes:
> > Wierdboy Battle Tower (but I'm actually glad in this case)
> me too, the WBT was crazy... although it's not actually missing,
> because wierd boys can be upgraded to _be_ battlewagons.

        Yeah, but these things are just battlewagons with a psyker in
them. They aren't capable of taking out a GD with enough firepower to
spare to wipe out a SHV company in one turn on turn 2. They're just
Battlewagons now, thankfully, not WBBTs.

> > I'm sure this isn't a complete list. It's not a hundred unit types,
> > but it's not a handful either.
> I should point out that the several missing types of Imperial Gaurd units are
> missing from WH40k as well; that is, they have deliberately been removed.

<shrug> To me, MIA is MIA, whether it's one game or two. I didn't
think it mattered too much whether the removal was to make the units
match revisionist fluff.

> If my local ork player _ever_ used Gobsmashas, Scorchas,
> Spleenrippas, Skullhammas, Bonebreakas, or Bonecrunchas,

        I only played the Ork player's Chaos force, but he tended to
use more than one type of Khornate engine when they showed up. (About
half the games I saw)

> This point has been raised a couple of times, so I would like to
> adress it in a bit more depth. As far as I'm concerned, none of the
> vehicles mentioned above are significantly different from the
> vehicles offered to the Orks in E40k.

        I agree here, which is why the Marine article really ticks me
off. They weren't consistent about removing similar units.

> > > I personally prefer having a
> > > bunch of different models treated the same,
> >
> > I like this too. But E40k is just as bad as Epic in this respect.
> It's nice that you agree with me, but I'm not sure what you're
> saying exactly. In what way is E40k just as bad as Epic?

        You complain about having redundant units in Epic2. I find
the redundant units in E40k just as annoying.

Epic2 - Orky tanks, etc
E40k - Marine Infantry, plus whatever articles they may have in the future

[accidentally snipped the part where you say that WDs are optional]

        WD articles are only optional if a copy of the WD can't be
found. They're considered official. Otherwise, units like the
Firelord and Doomwings (Tzeentch engines) couldn't be used between the
period the rules were released and Titan Legions was released. And
the Ordinatus vehicles are E40k only...WD is where GW published rules
errata and small supplements.

Received on Sun Sep 14 1997 - 02:00:08 UTC

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