RE: [Epic] Happy Weapons (was Tank Armor)

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 11:35:12 +0930

I find it to be one of the most bizzare ideas ever ...

That is, an organisation which bans different types of weapons (rounds,
whatever). How can an army respect this while still trying to blow their
enemy into little bity pieces. Surely it's an all or nothing affair.

If they can ban weapons why can't they ban other things like tanks,
aircraft etc. I am not military so could someone explain the logic behind
it all.


Just as an extra bit of info, as far as I've heard the Geneva conventions
do not apply to police forces or counter terrorist squads, so they are
free to use lovely stuff, like hollow heads, dumb dumbs, mecurcy heads all
other kinds of explosive nasties, this is of course the justification for
arms manufacturers to keep producing and developing these rounds,

PS ( I forgot flechettes in there as well, not sure if the're banned too)

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Received on Mon Sep 15 1997 - 02:05:12 UTC

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