Re: [Epic] Imperial detatchments

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 18:16:04 -0400

Colen McAlister wrote:
> Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...> has carefully scribed:
> > The WD 210 lists were done by Gavin, I believe.
> >Which would explain the underpriced units and ridiculous
> >ideas (giving all SWs a +1 assault? why?).
> Because I think most (if not all) Space Wolves have +1WS, which makes
> them better than your average space marine. Couple this with the
> enhanced senses and so on...

        Better in 40k, right, but are they really that much
more impressive to warrant a +1 AF in E40k? Why is the
difference between a Grey Hunter and a Tac Marine noticable
while the difference between a Braincrusha and a Lungbursta
is not? Or the difference between a Gatling Cannon and a
Vulcan Megabolter, etc etc etc. It's silly. Not only that,
it makes it even more obvious that too many different people
worked on the army lists and that they didn't have any kind
of common or consistant vision. *shrug*

Received on Tue Sep 16 1997 - 22:16:04 UTC

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