Re: [Epic] Orks Kick Butt!

From: Colen McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 20:11:25 +0100

"A. Allen McCarley" <allen_at_...> has carefully scribed:
>A lot of the mail we've seen lately seems to be lamenting the many losses
>suffered by the Orks during the changeover from SM/TL to E40K. I would
>suggest that Ork commanders take heart!
>Typically I play an Imperial army, and I have foundt he Orks to be the
>most difficult official army for me to beat so far. (Squats are the
>most difficult army if you include the unofficial ones, but I'm hoping
>that their Airships and Goliaths get toned down by the time
>they are official.)
>Why do I have trouble with them?

<snip reasons>

Well, I've played about 6 or 7 games so far, and I've won all of them
(most were against the Orks or Tyranids). Right. Here's the list I'll
probably be using vs. Tyranids on Friday Evening. Care to comment?

Force Sanguine, Blood Angels: 5 Tac squads, 1 Dev Squad, Captain,
Force Mortis, Death Company: 4 Death Company squads, Captain, Librarian
Force Blanc, Space Wolves: 2 Grey Hunt squads, 2 Blood Claw squads,
Captain, Librarian
Force Laser, Imperial Fists: 5 Land Raiders, 3 Predators
Force Aquamarine, Sapphire Crusaders: 4 Dev squads, 2 Land Raiders,
Force Shatter, Imperial Fist: 2 Ast squads, 2 Tac squads, 2 Scout
squads, 3 bike squads, 3 Vindicators, Captain
1 Warlord Titan, 1 Reaver Titan
Some Flying Blokes

It's going to be about 3,000 points. Comments?

<emblem of Slaanesh>

'Mad Dog' McAlister
    /\          Colen McAlister, AKA 'Mad Dog' McAlister,
   /--\           Keeper of the Unholy Keys, Lord of the
    ||            Third Realm, Founder of NASA (National
    ||   |\        Anti-Skaven Alliance), R'n'F member
 /--  ---- \        and chosen of the Chaos Gods, AKA
 \--  ---- / Brother Morgan who wields the Blade of Immortals
    | |  |/         Member of the Twisted Brotherhood
    \-/                 colen_at_...
Received on Wed Sep 17 1997 - 19:11:25 UTC

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