RE: [Epic] 1000 pt Epic 40k Marine Army for critique

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:58:05 +0930

Detachment 6 is because arty whips hell out of the orks.

Detachment 4 & 5 have bikes to slightly shield (soak up BM's and hits) the
Land Raiders and to give a bit of an extra kick to the detachment for only
20 points per detachment

The below detachments seem a little weird: Detach. 6 is only unusual if you
want to be a space marine purist; but if you have no problem including some
IG to support the marines (also dropping that strategy rating from 5 to 4),
it works fine. Detachment 4 and 5 seem unusual; why are you mixing
landraiders with attack bikes? What roll do you see them in? Why not one
detachment Landraiders and another detachment Attack Bikes. Or
Landspeeders and Attack Bikes, that would be good for rapid deployment and
bolstering weak points.

Detachment 4 & 5.
3 LandRaiders (1 is the HQ)
2 Attack Bikes
                                150 Points each

Detachment 6
4 Heavy Artillery (1 is the HQ)
                                148 Points

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Received on Tue Sep 30 1997 - 00:28:05 UTC

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